Saturday, August 20, 2016

Working on new knee and hip joints!

It had been a while since my last post, I had been busy with some new projects as well as working on my commission orders and had very little time keeping up my blog. Also I am in the process of changing my web site because I am having hard time with my old web site builder so it is the reason why I haven't added any new pictures to my site.

I have decided to change the knees and hip joints on my doll, so had sculpted the entire leg parts, today I am making the molds:

The new doll will be coming soon!
My next post I will show another project I've started, which I am excited about, it will add to the variety of orders I will be taking.

I didn't kill this little guy, I found him lifeless in my workshop and decided to keep him. The girl on the photo is getting her china paint layers done.


  1. Good Luck with new knee joint design

  2. Thank you Carmen, in a week I will be able to post some updates on it.
